
Friday, October 15, 2010

Mkay since this is a blog. I should put more then one post shouldn't I. So last year I had this amazing colorguard instructor. She was in Eminon when she was younger. I absolutely adored her. I mean I know she would be all mad and cranky at times when the guard wasn't listening but she treated us all equal all like adults. There was no special treatment for anyone. She has an amazing taste in music. Whenever I hear the song "Have It All" By Jermey Kay I think of her.   
Mkay since this is a blog. I should put more then one post shouldn't I. So last year I had this amazing colorguard instructor. She was in Eminon when she was younger. I absolutely adored her. I mean I know she would be all mad and cranky at times when the guard wasn't listening but she treated us all equal all like adults. There was no special treatment for anyone. She has an amazing taste in music. Whenever I hear the song "Have It All" By Jermey Kay I think of her.   


Gahhh....... Its my first time blogging I'm Officially not very good at it. But this is where my idea for the blog came from. I love music you love music right. So hey why not make a blog where I can write about an awesome song I listened to n my readers could comment on the song and maybe discover a new band and stuff and they could share music that they like too. And no its not going to be songs you hear on the radio cause then what would be the point if you already know it. It may be a song from the 80's one day or from the 19th Century to modern day Pop.