You wanta to know the truth
Don't ya
You are begging me to tell ya
I'm kind of not the person you want
I'm not the kind of person you need
I'm just a person you think you love
I'm just the person who doesn't know what she wants
I'm fickle as a fiddle
I love to make noise
I love to run around all the boys
In truth I love ya
In truth I hate love
It makes you hurt It makes you cry
It makes you have butterflies all the time
You want to hear the truth
The truth is up to you
whether you hear what you want
whether you listen or not
we're only fifteen
it's not going to workout
the whole world is at our fingertips
I want to explore
I want to learn
I want to try new things,
but you have different goals in mind.
You just try hard enough to get by.
Our paths are different
So this is goodbye.